As a young man filled with so much dreams to succeed in life, after my university study in Africa more precisely Nigeria, I went for my national service which after that,I started searching for work. It was not easy getting a job because you have to be connected to get one. After my several search for work proved unsuccessful I thought it was time to relocate to Europe,because I had families and friends there when ever they visited they I could see how good they looked and also they spent hard currency as if they grow them lol. I got admission to study in the UK, applied for a visa and was rejected which I appealed which I was granted the right of Abode. With excitement I felt I have arrived,and was all over the moon. The day I was travelling I spent quality time with friends and my girlfriend who is currently my better half. As I boarded the flight to the UK I was so excited I will be seeing the white man,snow and get a job make money then return to get married. My biggest shock on arrival was the beauty and fresh filtered air in the UK. I started my studies and worked as well,earning some money ,after years in the UK, I now know there is no where as homely as your country. why? life was not as easy as what people from Africa made it look like, a lot of African descendant roaming the street without jobs, suffering because they don't have the right documents to live in the country, they try to use all possible means to regularise themselves, going into contracted marriages,claiming asylum,having unplanned children from a British man or woman to use as family ties to remain in the UK, the country is anti social, and stress prompt, it's a country everyone struggles to survive,husband and wives losing patience on each other, lot of single parents and divorce which is not in the nature of African, colour stigmatization,making you not to earn certain position in workplace,even with the preaching of equality and diversity. I will not like to paint the country a negative one but despite all this negative side it still has its positivity, good health system, exposure to life, children growing in environment that protects them and make them bold and confident . Also one has better opportunity to change career,study that is if you got the permit to be in the country. A lot of Africans most especially people from Nigeria as a nation, I know you may be asking why don't they come? That is another big question which needs to be answered, I will cite an example to help make a better understanding of why. People travel to UK for greener pasture, with their family filled with joy that their son or daughter is abroad, after many years of struggle life is not as easy as thought,coming home could be a better option but what are you coming home with,where will you start from, how will you be welcomed and which support will you get , when the whole friends and family you have thinks you have money tree planted behind your home, coming home is the best option but fear of adaptability to your true home you have been away for quite a while is not an easy one most especially when people around you are not supportive and understanding. I will like to say life away from home has its advantage and disadvantages but that is how life is. Relationship in the west lies on a thin line,where women has the power over men and some African women abuse that when they are fed up of their marriages. The life in Europe and the survival to make a better living is not as easy as perceived , the economy has been structured to be a give and take where 90 percent depend on credit facilities and the rate of crime within the black African ethnicity is on the rise,Why? because they want to impress and achieve their aim of greener pasture in the west. In the UK jail Nigerians are one of the highest jailed Africa because of drug,fraud and crime related issues. One big issue is our Nigerian Government where our political leaders steal money and do less for the improvement of the nation. What will I or we be travelling out for if our leaders utilise the resources we have , make our home a better place for all , rather than laundering money to the same Europe most especially the UK, from history Nigerian political figures have been put to shame for buying properties from the countries or state account, whereby the citizen of Nigeria are suffering. I have seen it all and will like to say this rather that our leaders using our stolen money by spending it to buy properties abroad they should concentrate in modernising out educational system,tourism,agriculture,road,create better place for the citizen of Nigeria.
Next episode.....True story about how to get permanent resident permit in the UK ......
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