
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Sex robots could take over the world 2016.... Tech world gone Bonkus...

They're freakishly realistic and until now it would have been unthinkable - but they are real Robophillia.....

Sex robot

Thiababy: Sex robot Roxxxy could be coming to a home near you
This  might sound like the plot of a 1980s sci-fi film - but Sex Robot may actually be the biggest tech trend of 2016. With assumption from the tech world by 2030 the Robophillia (sexual relationship with robot ) will take over human to human sexual relationship.

By 2030, human-on-robot sex will be more common

An example of a sex robot
An example of a sex robot Photo:
The popularity of the artificially human machines has grown directly in tandem with their realism.
And not only will people be having intimate relations with them - they may even fall in love with them too.
With prediction from futurologist, it can be said that lots of humans are faced with loneliness,relationship problems also many suffer from extreme complex issues that has led to them sourcing alternative mean to satisfy their sexual urge. 
With technology advancing and most tech industries have seen the big market in Sex Robot which they believe will soon normal norms to lonely relationship,they believe with time human will soon welcome the use of replica of their imaginations to satisfy their sexual urge. 
Dr Driscoll, from the University of Sunderland says that robotic, interactive, motion-sensing technology is likely to become more and more central to the sex industry in the next few years.
"We tend to think about issues such as virtual reality and robotic sex within the context of current norms.
"But if we think back to the social norms about sex that existed just 100 years ago, it is obvious that they have changed rapidly and radically.
Robophilliamay be alien now, but could be normal in the near future as attitudes evolve with technology.
Imagine having sex with a robot that you are in control of and does what you tell it to do......
The world of technology gone Mad....

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