Ofada rice is the short, thick and robust shaped specie of rice. It is also known as brown rice. The rice is unpolished and not genetically modified. Majority of people are usually put off because it contains some stones and chaffs which add to the stress of preparing it as compared to the other types of rice.

Ofada rice and sauce
An advise to anybody interested is to over look the stress and enjoy the enormous benefits of ofada rice and you will be glad.
It has two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach and promotes a sense fullness after a meal. This helps to prevent overeating and weight gain. While the insoluble fiber is also known as cellulose which is indigestible and has less transit time through the body. In general, the higher a food’s fiber content, the lower it tends to be in available calories. That is why you can eat a very large serving of salad, which is almost all fiber, and still eat very few calories. And high-fiber diets also tend to be less “energy dense,” which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food. Therefore when you eat brown rice, you are actually eating fewer calories.
Insoluble fibers also help the body get rid of some dietary fat. As it goes out of the body via the excretion process it grabs fats and carries them all the way through to the colon, where they are bundled together and eliminated from the body. Hence brown rice is preferred by people dieting to lose weight.
Nutritional benefits of ofada rice:
1. The soluble fiber in brown rice controls blood sugar and diabetes. Which help to slow down the release of glucose into the blood.
2. Brown rice protects the body against colon cancer particularly because of its high fiber content and the presence of selenium in the brown rice. Selenium is a trace mineral that induces DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells and inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells. Selenium is an antioxidant and is essential for thyroid hormone metabolism and immune function. It lowers the level of LDL cholesterol which is known as the bad cholesterol so as to prevent weight gain
3. Brown rice is important for a healthy heart, prevent heart attack and stroke. Researchers at Temple University School of Medicine report that brown rice is a better choice over white because it has an ingredient that protects against high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
4. It has about twice the fiber content of regular white rice. Fiber aid digestion cleanses the colon, grabbing passing nasty toxins such as pollutants, chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals. It cures constipation and intestinal blockage.
5. The manganese and magnesium aid to reduce severity of asthma. The magnesium content also lowers high blood pressure, and reduces the frequency of migraine headaches. Magnesium keeps bones healthy.
6. It is a perfect Baby Food. Brown rice cereal or brown rice itself is the perfect baby’s first food due to the dense natural nutrition and fiber it contains. This is a much better choice than refined white rice/corn cereal products because rapidly growing babies and toddlers require nutrient rich diets to help maintain rapid growth cycles.
7. It heals candida yeast Infections because of its high fiber which can help sensitive digestive systems to heal from an overgrowth of candida organisms.
8. Brown rice can be a delicious meal for both vegetarian and vegan diets. Brown rice flour can be used for vegetarian pancakes, breads and other baked goods.
– 200g of ofada rice (native)
– 10 pieces of semi- ripe red chilli peppers
– 1 oz of locust beans
– 2 ½ of red palm oil
– 400g of assorted meat
– 7 pieces of tomatoes
– I onions
– 1 garlic/ginger
– Shrimps
– Crayfish
– Snails
– Seasoning
– Curry
– Thyme
– Brown stock
– Salt
– 200g of ofada rice (native)
– 10 pieces of semi- ripe red chilli peppers
– 1 oz of locust beans
– 2 ½ of red palm oil
– 400g of assorted meat
– 7 pieces of tomatoes
– I onions
– 1 garlic/ginger
– Shrimps
– Crayfish
– Snails
– Seasoning
– Curry
– Thyme
– Brown stock
– Salt
1. Pick stones and blow the rice to ensure it free from stones and dirt of any kind.
1. Pick stones and blow the rice to ensure it free from stones and dirt of any kind.
2. Boil the rice, ensure it does not get to soaked in water to maintain the grainy effect of the rice.You can as well sieve the rice.
3. Grind or pound the pepper, tomatoes, garlic, onions
5. Add onions, garlic, salt to the assorted meat and boil for some minutes
6. Add the red palm oil and add the sliced onions to it, a pinch of salt and allow to fry for some minutes.
7. Add the ground pepper, crayfish, shrimps and also the snail, assorted meat, enough locust beans, pinch of salt, seasoning, curry, thyme and brown stock but check the taste if it is okay and leave to cook for about 10-15 minutes.,
8. Serve rice in moi-moi leaves with the sauce.
By Naij.com Contributor – Oluremilekun Osobu-Asubiojo
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