
Monday 11 April 2016

A Celebrity in UK married with kids Had a 3sum with another couple. Name can not be mention Court Injunction lol

An American publication has printed allegations banned from being made in Britain about a celebrity partner who had an 'extra-marital' threesome
An American publication has printed allegations banned from being made in Britain about a celebrity partner who had an 'extra-marital' thre

A celebrity granted an injunction over an extra-marital affair has been accused of using his children as human shields to stop the infidelity becoming public.
He had a threesome with another couple – a liaison detailed in an American publication.
Within hours of the story going to print his name became readily available to Britons on social media and online.
But the UK media is barred from identifying him and his spouse, who is also a celebrity, because two Court of Appeal judges ruled their privacy was more important than the public’s right to know.
Lord Justice Rupert Jackson also said it was necessary to consider the children, because ‘even if the children do not suffer harassment in the short term, they are bound to learn about these matters from school friends and the internet in due course’.
Yesterday, one of the people involved in the threesome, who has been gagged from talking about the relationship, accused the celebrity couple of using their wealth and children to hide from the truth.
‘Using your children for publicity and then for protection from it is disgraceful. We cannot tell anyone what happened to us and it seems that the couple have extra rights,’ he told The Sun. 
‘People like them should not be able to use the courts to stop this stuff just because they have got pots of money. It is not just about this story any more – it’s a wider issue.’

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