
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Afghanistan and Nigeria Are Fantastically Corrupt Nation Say- British Prime Minister To The Queen

The British Prime Minister Makes a goof comment of Nigeria calling Her Fantastically Corrupt Nation lol 
Bungling Cameron caught boasting to Queen of 'fantastically corrupt leaders'
David Cameron has been caught on microphone making a diplomatic gaffe during an exchange with the Queen. Speaking ahead of the anti-corruption summit later this week, the Prime Minister calls Afghanistan and Nigeria "fantastically corrupt" as he describes who will be attending. Mr Cameron is seemingly unaware his conversation with the Queen in front of the Archbishop of Canterbury, House of Commons Speaker John Bercow and Leader of the House of Commons is being caught on microphone. He continued: "Nigeria and Afghanistan - possibly two of the most corrupt countries in the world."

We have got the Nigerians - actually we have got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain.David Cameron

The Archbishop then attempts to rescue the situation by saying: "But this particular president is actually not corrupt." After his comments, Mr Bercow jokes: "They are coming at their own expense one assumes?" To which Mr Cameron responds: "Everything has to be open. There are no sort of closed-door sessions. Everything has to be in front of the press. It's going to be ... It could be quite interesting." Afghanistan and Nigeria are ranked among the most corrupt nations on the planet by Transparency International. Mr Cameron has a history of on-mic gaffes, including revealing the Queen "purred" over the Scottish referendum result and belittling the people of Yorkshire.

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